Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday Weigh In...

Week One:

Here is my starting point.. 218lbs

Here is 1 week in at 208lbs

And.. Yes, you read that correctly!! I have lost 10lbs in my first week! I can definitely see the difference in the pictures!! This makes me want to work harder and harder towards my ultimate goal!!

I have been on Phen for 1 week and so far I am loving the results!!! Yesterday I asked my husband if he can see a difference and he said "You look thinner around the mid-section!" You have no idea how great that made me feel!! I have also changed my eating habits for the better. I haven't had any sweets, soda or starbucks for 8 days! That is a big step in the right direction for me. Whenever I am hungry, I will look in the cupboard and ask myself "What is the best snack for me.." I have never done that. It's like I am almost scared to eat something that will get me off track...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Love watching..

The numbers on the scale drop!!

This morning when I woke up, I decided to step on the scale..

Are you ready?!?


I have lost 7.6lbs since starting Phen. I didn't think I would be losing so fast since I have only changed a few things..

I have given up:

Starbucks... {yikes!}
Bad Carbs

I am so ready for the next few months!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 1

Today hasn't been so bad..

I was talking with a friend who is on Phen and she said that her worst side effect is Dry Mouth.. Guess what this chick has... Yup, Dry Mouth... I feel like I can't get enough water. Since 9 this morning, I have had 36oz of water. I am also a little jittery, but nothing I can't handle :)

Breakfast: Oatmeal, 2% milk
Lunch: Side Salad from Jack in the Crack.. {kids wanted a milkshake}
Dinner: will be Lasagna, Salad & Lots more water!

Yesterday when I was weighed at the dr's, I was 218. This afternoon I am 215.8...

I don't know if its my scale or what, But I am liking this already!!

Have a great Hump Day!!!

A New Start!

Today is the first day of a new life.

I had gone to the drs yesterday because I have been sucking at losing all of this baby weight. I have been eating healthy {for the most part} and exercising… and no results. I think I may have gained a pound or two. So I was telling my dr all of this and she decided to give me a prescription for Phentermine. I also had a lot of blood work done yesterday… Nine freaking vials of blood was taken from me. Complete Panels, Vitamin B12 & D, Cholesterol, Diabetes and Thyroid.. I have a 2 week follow up to make sure the pills are working and to make sure all of my blood work came back good.

Right when I got home from the appt, I started looking up all of the info on Phen and stumbled upon a Phentermine forum website with success stories, along with not so successful stories. I signed up and am going to track my weight loss from day one. I also have to keep a food and exercise journal so my dr can keep a close eye on my health. I am so ready to be at a healthy weight and look good!

Today is a new day!

I hope you follow me in my weight loss journey!
