Thursday, July 14, 2011

Back for good...

Wow.. Talk about no bloggy love...

Its been a rough few months with the kids and my weight loss gain. But right now, I am back and ready to really start this weight loss journey. I am going to really push myself to the limit.

I recently had a birthday party for my older two kids this past weekend. When I saw the pictures of myself, I cried. I didn't realize I was that big. It has made me so depressed along with a few other things.

I have been walking a lot and need to find a 3 seater jogging stroller for a reasonable price. That way I can walk anytime. Right now, I can only walk in the evenings because D works days and it would be absolutely crazy to take 3 kids on a walk with 2 strollers.. get my drift?!?

Right now my weight is *sigh* 214.4lbs and I am completely heart broken about it. I never expected my weight to be this high. After having my 3rd baby, I dropped to 185lbs. Then it slowly started rising again.

Time to get serious...